고려대학교 정보보호대학원에서 오는 112일 토요일에 아래와 같이 특강을 개최할 예정입니다.

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- 아    래 -  

■ 특강 주제 : The Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision & Machine Learning: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security

연사 : Dr. Mario Fritz (Faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security)

일시 : 2019112(), 10:00~11:45

장소 : 고려대학교 미래융합기술관 601

주최 : 고려대학교 정보보호대학원


연사 소개 :

Mario Fritz 박사는 CISPA Helmholtz 정보보안 센터의 교수진으로, 의료 보안, 프라이버시, AI 연구센터를 이끌고 있는 과학자입니다. 이전에는 Max Planck Institute of Informatics의 선임 연구원이자 연구 그룹 책임자로 국제 컴퓨터 과학 연구소 및 미국 UC Berkeley에서 근무하였으며, Technische Universitat Darmstadt에서 박사 학위를 받았습니다.

주요 컴퓨터비전학회(ECCV, ICCV)의 지역 의장과 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)의 부편집장을 역임하였으며 현재 ACM 유럽기술정책 위원회의 유럽위원입니다. 학술적으로는 최고 권위의 저널(IJCV, TPAMI)과 컨퍼런스(CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IROS, ICRA, NeuriPS, AAAI, ICLR, NDSS, USENIX Security)50개 이상의 출판물을 공동 집필한 바 있습니다.

for more information and latest work visit:

homepage: https://fritz.cispa.saarland

google scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=4V1nNm4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

dblp: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/f/Fritz:Mario


특강 내용 요약 :

 Today, vast amounts of visual information is collected and often also shared online. Such images and videos can contain various types of privacy-sensitive information that can nowadays be extracted automatically at a large scale, posing a steadily growing threat to users' privacy. I'll give an overview of our efforts towards understanding and controlling privacy in visual information as well as working towards our overall vision of a Visual Privacy Advisor.

 More generally speaking, we have seen a quick adoption of machine learning technology in a broad range of application scenarios. With such broad deployment, these approaches become part of the attack surface of modern IT infrastructures and therefore new privacy and security risks emerge. Hence, we research attack vectors and defenses of such intelligent systems built on AI and machine learning technology. In particular, I will talk about our latest work on membership inference and model stealing.

 Furthermore, the latest generative models have shown to be capable of synthesizing photo-realistic data. This challenges the authenticity of and trust in information. I'll present our latest work on detecting fake image and attributing them to different sources.